Neoclassical Picture Frame
Reproduction of a French Neoclassical Picture Frame gilt and lacquered on wood. This late 18th-century model is available in any size.
This Neoclassical Frame is made in ayous and tulipwood perfectly combined together to obtain the maximum strength. It is completely customizable in order to meet any client’s desire. For instance, you can change color and shape.
Section width cm 6
Rabbet cm 1
360° presentation
Click on the video below to see this replica frame with a 360° overview.
The lacquering of the central surface is customizable. You can ask for any color. Watch a video on our Youtube channel showing the lacquering process:
Patina (aging process)
“Patina” is an Italian word that refers to the tone of the final gilding of the frame. Making an astonishing Patina is one of the major skills of the gilder in order to make seem this reproduction picture frame an original one. In other words, it concerns the process of aging the gold finishing, trying to distress as much as possible the reproduction frame without exaggerating too much. To complete the procedure, gilders use some different kinds of stones to hit the frame, creating some fake tiny broken parts all around the sides. Besides, gilders create fake wormholes to age the gilding and you will be able to see them analyzing deeply the picture detail attached above.
Another important part of the patina is gently rubbing off the gold surface with steel wool, trying to make the typical antique abrasions that you see in antique picture frames. In conclusion, any damaged little part of the frame is just a part of a bigger plan.
See below a video showing all the steps of the Patina.
More videos related to the aging process
Explanation of the aging process
Distressing the gold surface
Rub off the gilding
Dark shellac
Applying shellac
Final result