Black Baroque Picture Frames
We specialize in black Baroque picture frames since 1905. Black is the most used color that gilders would use to lacquer their models. Why ancient gilders would use black more than other colors? We don’t know with certainty, but what we believe is that black and gold, wisely mixed together, create a decorative effect. Indeed, gilt carvings stand out pretty well from black lacquer.
With that said, you now know why in our offer you find many black Baroque frames. Of course, we replicate them because they were very popular in the past. Even red, white, blue, and green paint has been used a lot. But black remains probably the most used color.
Italian black Baroque Frames
Tacking a closer look at our black Baroque picture frames above, you see several Italian models. Code 027, code. 054, and code 056 are cassetta frames in black and gold finishings. They belong to the first phase of the Baroque style: between 1610 and 1620. We know it because of the flat black panel in the middle of their structures. On top of it, there are a few gilded decorations that stand out pretty well.
Code 062 instead, is one of the latest black Baroque picture frames displayed. Its profile, with plenty of fancy decorations, is quite high and the gold of the carvings shines under an aged patina. This model represents the maximum expansion of Italian black Baroque frames for paintings. We’ve seen many more elaborated models during our profession, but this one is particularly suitable for rich paintings.
Black Baroque picture Frames or gilded frames?
We explain here why in certain cases black Baroque picture frames can be better than the gilded ones. Firstly, If you look at cod. 010, which is equal to cod. 062 but completely gilded, you notice the benefit of the lacquer. In fact, the black paint lightens the heavily carved structure of the profile. Sometimes, the same model completely gilded can be too much for a painting.
Secondly, the black lacquer can really help the frame to enlighten a dark painting. Indeed, paradoxically, a dark artwork needs a dark frame. So, which color would be better than black to diminish the tone of the shiny gilded along the sides?
Custom Black Baroque Frames
As we completely manufacture our black Baroque picture frames, we can modify any phase of the realization. Consequently, we are able to follow most of the instructions that customers would give us. Also, we offer our customers the chance to buy the reproductions in any dimension. As a result, any model can be realized for any painting.
Mail us your ideas and we’ll customize our black Baroque frames in the best possible way. Any modification can be done accordingly to our previous decision. Some of them, few times, happen to be impossible to realize. For this reason, remember to advise us about your suggestions before buying. We usually reply to your email within 24 hours.
Replicas vs Reproductions
We have been doing reproduction frames for more than a century. After such a long time of manufacturing, I can metaphorically say that we have got them in our DNA.
What is the difference between Replicas and Reproduction frames?
When we realize a frame replicating strictly the shape, style, and finishing of an original model, we are realizing a replica. It means that there won’t be a difference between our frame and the original. To accomplish this difficult task, customers have to send us a good set of photographs of the frame to replicate. Therefore, the photos allow us to make a deep study of the original frame.
On the other hand, reproductions are the ones you already find on our website. They are standard products, in the sense that we’ve made them several times. For this reason, their realization becomes an easier task. In conclusion, the big difference between replicas and reproductions of black Baroque picture frames is due to their price. Replicas, of course, can cost more than double respect our reproductions.