Our frames are reproductions of authentic frames. We realize them observing strictly the nice and balanced ornates of antique models.
Reproductions give us the opportunity to frame any painting with any size.
Our frames are gilded in genuine gold leaf under request. We use 22 carats gold leaf.
If customers doesn’t request for any specific gilding, we than use Dutch gold leaf which is really good as well and it costs much less.
The prices you see on our calculator page referring to Dutch gold leaf finishings.
If you want to buy a genuine gold leaf frame, you have to add about 30% to the standard price of the calculator page.
We privilege Dutch gold leaf gilding because we are highly specialized in the process of aging the frames. Therefore, the two different finishings are not very much distinguishable once the frame is finished.
In recent years, after several researches, we have developed an excellent technique that does not allow the customer to identify whether the finish is in pure gold or in imitation gold. In other words, we opted to favor the customer saving.
We usually use different kinds of woods: Swiss pine, lime, tulipwood, ayous and pine. It depends on the model frame.
Inexpensive frames are usually in ayous and pine while the expensive frames are made by a combination of Swiss pine, lime, and tulipwood.
To have your frame made in a kind of wood not listed above, it is necessary informing us before the order. Contrarily, we will use the most suitable wood.
Exceptionally, we may also use other types of wood not listed above.
Our atelier produces exclusively handmade picture frames. Each frame is a stand-alone frame with its own characteristics.
During the realization, we strictly observe the model chosen by the customer and due to the continuous variations of the size of the paintings, as well as their thickness, we can’t reproduce the frames with the same identical form of the model displaied on the site.
It will be our care, based on our experience, to decide, from time to time, which stylistic structure to adopt in order to realize the model chosen by the customer in the best possible way.
Therefore, both the design of the section and the photograph are purely indicative of the style and section profile and hardly in any case identical to the model that we will realize.
We make the frames in any size. To place an order, simply send us an email with the dimensions of your painting.
Indicate the thickness of the painting in order to identify the most appropriate model to realize.
Often it is necessary to modify the profile of the frames: So that they can fit properly with the thickness of the paintings.
Furthermore, depending on the size of the painting, we will decide, on each occasion, the most appropriate modifications to do, giving particular emphasis on the strength of the finished work.
Be aware that the larger and heavier frames require special structures on the back to obtain solidity. At the same time, they require to be light as well.
We are able to customize any model of our catalogue. Of course for any change we have to add additional cost.
We can change the finishing and the shape of the section frame. You just ask for any change and we will give you the final price.
The delivery time is usually 120 days from payment. Sometimes could be a bit less or a bit later. It dipends on how big is the work to do.
If you have any particular need to have the frame earlier, just ask and we will do our best to make you happy.
We ship our frames with DHL EXPRESS, FEDEX, DPD and provide a tracking number.
The delivery time is from 3 to 5 days within European countries and a bit longer for oversea shippings.
Custom duties and taxes are always charged to customers.
We do offer an insurance service for shipping. That comes included in the total price. The insurance covers the major damages.
When you receive the package, if you find it broken, you just inform the courier. Then you unwrap the package and check the frame.
Take few good pictures of the damage showing the open package together with the frame.
Then, send us the pictures and we will be able to open a claim. In a couple of weeks, we’ll receive a response from the courrier.
When a refund is approved, and only then, we decide if restoring the frame in your location or restore it in our workshop. We could even decide to make a new frame. That depends on the kind of damage and on how much money the insurance company decide to devolve.
Since our frames are custom made, each with very specific characteristics relating to the painting owned by customers, it is not possible to return the frames, as it would be difficult to reuse them for other paintings.
The frames can be replaced only if they have arrived damaged or with different measuresments from those assigned by the customer.
At the time of the order, the conditions described in the FAQ are understood to be accepted by the customer. For any dispute attributable to the contractual conditions described above, we will rely on the court of Bologna.